Credit: Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg
Economics (all)
Important information about Economics courses
Bachelor's student can choose their economics courses from the bachelor's level courses only. Master's level courses are usually not open to bachelor/undergraduate students.
Exchange students from other schools and departments may only attend economics lectures if they meet the prerequisites. Please contact the exchange coordinator, Ms. Christiane Cischinsky ( Bachelor’s level seminars are usually only open for economics students.
Master's student can choose their economics courses freely from the elective modules available at the department, as long as you fulfill the prerequisites for each course. The core modules (E601–603 and E700–703) are not open to exchange students. If your home university agrees you are also allowed to attend bachelor's level courses.
Exchange students from other schools and departments may contact the exchange coordinator, Mr. Sebastian Herdtweck (, to check their eligibility.
Detailed information can be found on the department's websites:
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Behavioral Economics (Lecture w/ Exercise)
Course type:
Lecture w/ Exercise
Course suitable for:
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Live & on-campus
Registration procedure:
Information for students participating in this course as part of the online exchange initiative of the ENGAGE programme
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in economics, especially microeconomics
ECTS credits: 7
Teaching method (hours per week): lecture (2) + exercise (2)
Workload: time in class (lecture): 21 hours, time in class (exercise): 21 hours, independent study time and preparation for the exam: 154 hours.
Course language: English
Grading: take home exam
Expected number of students in class: max. 5 ENGAGE-Students
Goals and contents of the module: Standard economic models make many assumptions and predictions about individual behavior. This course introduces new theories from Behavioral Economics, a young field of Economics that combines Economics and Psychology. In the light of experimental evidence, standard theories of risk, time and social preferences are revisited, and more appropriate behavioral models introduced. Various forms of cognitive limitations in information processing are presented and consequences for economic behavior are highlighted. The course aims to provide access to theoretical concepts that take into account the nature of the human psyche. In particular, to understand how real behavior differs from the standard theoretical predictions and how to account for those “irregularities”.
Expected competences acquired after completion of the module: Successful students will have a raised awareness for commonly made assumptions in standard microeconomic theory and their consequences in the modeled economic behavior. Students will know alternative ways of thinking about individual preferences and cognitive processes in economic decisions.
Further information: In the exercise, we will discuss several papers mentioned in the lecture in detail. For that purpose, students will present and discuss one paper in small groups. The aim is to critically evaluate economic research.
Contact: Dr. Cornelius Schneider; e-mail:; L 7, 3–5 room 404.
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Environmental Regulation of Firms: Empirical Evidence (Intensive seminar)
Course type:
Intensive seminar
Course suitable for:
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Live & on-campus
Registration procedure:
Registration for undergraduate economics seminars is not possible in Portal2.
Economics exchange students will receive information about the registration process via e-mail.
Exchange students from other departments or faculties will only be able to attend seminars if places are still available after mid-December. Please contact Christiane Cischinsky ( if you are interested in this seminar and send her your transcript of records.
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Humankapital, Innovationen und technologischer Wandel (Seminar (Advanced Level))
Course type:
Seminar (Advanced Level)
Course suitable for:
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Live & on-campus
Registration procedure:
Die Anmeldung zu den volkswirtschaftlichen Bachelorseminaren ist nicht in Portal2 möglich.
Austauschstudierende der Abteilung VWL werden per E-Mail über das Anmeldeverfahren informiert.
Austauschstudierende aus anderen Fachbereichen oder Fakultäten können nur dann an den Seminaren teilnehmen, wenn nach Mitte Dezember noch Plätze frei sind. Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Interesse an diesem Seminar an Christiane Cischinsky ( und senden Sie ihr Ihr Transcript of Records.
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Impact Evaluation (Lecture w/ Exercise)
Course type:
Lecture w/ Exercise
Course suitable for:
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Live & on-campus
Registration procedure:
This course has limited capacity. It is mandatory that you register via Portal2. You can register anytime during the official course registration period (15 January – 6 February 2025). The time of your registration is not relevant as seats are not assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Moderne Klimapolitik (Intensive seminar)
Course type:
Intensive seminar
Course suitable for:
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Live & on-campus
Registration procedure:
Die Anmeldung zu den volkswirtschaftlichen Bachelorseminaren ist nicht in Portal2 möglich.
Austauschstudierende der Abteilung VWL werden per E-Mail über das Anmeldeverfahren informiert.
Austauschstudierende aus anderen Fachbereichen oder Fakultäten können nur dann an den Seminaren teilnehmen, wenn nach Mitte Dezember noch Plätze frei sind. Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Interesse an diesem Seminar an Christiane Cischinsky ( und senden Sie ihr Ihr Transcript of Records.
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Seminar Finanzwissenschaft (Intensive seminar)
Course type:
Intensive seminar
Course suitable for:
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Live & on-campus
Registration procedure:
Die Anmeldung zu den volkswirtschaftlichen Bachelorseminaren ist nicht in Portal2 möglich.
Austauschstudierende der Abteilung VWL werden per E-Mail über das Anmeldeverfahren informiert.
Austauschstudierende aus anderen Fachbereichen oder Fakultäten können nur dann an den Seminaren teilnehmen, wenn nach Mitte Dezember noch Plätze frei sind. Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Interesse an diesem Seminar an Christiane Cischinsky ( und senden Sie ihr Ihr Transcript of Records.
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Statistics and Stata (Lecture w/ Exercise)
Course type:
Lecture w/ Exercise
Course suitable for:
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Live & on-campus
Registration procedure:
This course has limited capacity. It is mandatory that you register via Portal2. You can register anytime during the official course registration period (15 January – 6 February 2025). The time of your registration is not relevant as seats are not assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
The Political Economics of Climate Change (Intensive seminar)
Course type:
Intensive seminar
Course suitable for:
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Registration procedure:
Registration for undergraduate economics seminars is not possible in Portal2.
Economics exchange students will receive information about the registration process via e-mail.
Exchange students from other departments or faculties will only be able to attend seminars if places are still available after mid-December. Please contact Christiane Cischinsky ( if you are interested in this seminar and send her your transcript of records.
1 Credit hours indicate the duration of a course which is offered weekly during one semester. One credit hour equals 45 minutes.
Wirtschaftspolitisches Seminar für BSc Studierende (Seminar)
Course type:
Course suitable for:
Language of instruction:
Credit hours 1:
Live & on-campus
Registration procedure:
Die Anmeldung zu den volkswirtschaftlichen Bachelorseminaren ist nicht in Portal2 möglich.
Austauschstudierende der Abteilung VWL werden per E-Mail über das Anmeldeverfahren informiert.
Austauschstudierende aus anderen Fachbereichen oder Fakultäten können nur dann an den Seminaren teilnehmen, wenn nach Mitte Dezember noch Plätze frei sind. Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Interesse an diesem Seminar an Christiane Cischinsky ( und senden Sie ihr Ihr Transcript of Records.
1.Daniel J. Phaneuf and Till Requate. A course in environmental economics. Cambridge University Press.
2.William J. Baumol and Wallace E. Oates, The theory of environmental policy. Cambridge University Press
Consultation hour(s): Open telephone consultation (alSo outside the lecture period):
Tue morning, 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
or by prior arrangement of a telephone appointment by e–mail.
Please contact me by e–mail outside of the telephone consultation hours.
My office hours on 4 February 2025 will exceptionally take place from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm.
Office hours: Office presence: Tuesday and Friday
Credit: Anna Logue
Incomings Master
Sebastian Herdtweck (he/him)
Program Manager and Exchange Coordinator M.Sc. Economics
University of Mannheim
Department of Economics
L 7, 3–5 – Room 405
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s): Personal consultation hours: Tue and Wed, 9:30 – 11:30
Telephone availability: Tue and Wed, 9:30 – 16:30
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