
Stay Up to Date
You want to receive news beyond your degree program? The University of Mannheim uses various channels to keep you informed about central news at the university: e-mail newsletter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Mastodon, LinkedIn and Youtube. Subscribe to the channels or follow the accounts that suit ...
Last chance: ENGAGE.EU Joint Program application deadline ends
In this programme, you will have the opportunity to work with some of the largest tech and digital companies in innovative case studies and workshops. Application deadline is 30 October 2023. The information session will be held on 27.09.2023 at 5PM via the Zoom platform.
Riedbahnbrücke in the evening sunlight Fernmeldeturm in the background
Deutschlandticket available as of 1 May
Information from the VRN
Important news about the Semester Ticket / VRN JugendticketBW
News as of 1 March
Wireless on Campus: Please do not use hotspots
Please refer to the following information for a stable wireless connection on campus.
Eine junge Frau sitzt in einem gemütlichen Zimmer mit ihrem Laptop auf einem Sessel.
Current workshop and learn coaching program
Explore our free workshop and learn coaching program in the fall semester
Please save energy wherever possible
What is the current state of affairs?
Zwei Studentinnen sitzen im Wartebereich an der Universität Mannheim.
Online-Terminvergabe und -services des Dezernats für Studienangelegenheiten
Das Studienbüro und das International Office der Universität Mannheim haben die Terminvergabe für Studierende weiter vereinfacht.
Eine Studentin und ein Student sitzen in der Bibliothek nebeneinander und lernen.
New in English: Quixk Guides for students for take-home and live-online exams
The Quick Guides for students for take-home and live-online exams are now available in our ILIAS-group “Schulungsangebote für Studierende”.
Vier Studierende sitzen an einem Tisch und lernen gemeinsam.
Microsoft Teams instance for students available
We have set up a separate Microsoft Teams instance for students in order to facilitate digital communication and collaboration in self-organized learning groups. The instance is available starting today. For more information on the individual steps to activate your account and the first use of ...