Vier Studierende stehen lachend und locker in einer Reihe. Im Hintergrund das Mannheimer Schloss sowie Bäume, die von der Sonne angestrahlt werden.

Student Organizations in the Field of Career and Professional Development

The University of Mannheim has more than 50 student organizations covering various topics and representing a vast range of topics from politics, society, to career prospects, culture and leisure. On this website, you can learn more about the student organizations in the field of career and professional development.

  • Overview of all student organizations

  • 180 Degrees Consulting e.V.

    The global student consultancy 180 Degrees provides consulting services worldwide with a focus on future-relevant, sustainable and social challenges.
    With a network of over 7.000 members in 35 countries, the initiative places great emphasis on sharing experiences and creating a strong and diverse community. In addition to consulting, 180 Degrees engages with its members and provides them with
    practical experience in the consulting field, it also offers valuable opportunities for professional development. As part of this, the initiative regularly organizes events, learning sessions, and support services for young students to give them a focused and accelerated start to a successful career.

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  • AIESEC Mannheim

    AIESEC is the largest, global student organization, and therefore provides an ideal platform for students to get involved in communities and spend time abroad. As a member, you get to know the structures within an international organization while helping other students to gain exciting experience abroad. AIESEC also gives its members the chance to do an internship abroad, or to participate in a project in a developing country for six to eight weeks, and help achieve the UN Global Goals.

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  • Arbeitskreis Börse – Studenten der Universität Mannheim e.V. (AKB)

    The Arbeitskreis Börse is Germany’s largest student-led stock market organization. It has around 1,000 members. The organization prepares students for their career, with partner companies from the banking and consulting sectors giving workshops and presentations, and running working groups. Students can use the organization to exchange ideas and opinions on investment banking, capital markets, consulting, and start-ups in the fintech sector.

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  • Artes Liberales e.V.

    Artes Liberales is an association that supports students of the Humanities and Social Sciences and, through the presentation series, Wohin-denn-ich?, helps them to find an internship or job, among other things. In addition to presentations and workshops on various topics such as cultural management, the group organizes trips to cultural events. Once a year, the organization, in partnership with ABSOLVENTUM, awards excellent bachelor’s and master’s theses with the Artes-Liberales-ABSOLVENTUM prize. Members of the organization can gain experience in project management, fundraising, and public relations, and meet new people at the same time.

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  • BdVB e.V. Hochschulgruppe Mannheim

    The German Association of Political and Business Economists (Bundesverband deutscher Volks- und Betriebswirte, BdVB) is the largest academic network for economists in Germany. In addition to workshops and presentations by companies, the organization arranges seminars on careers and character development.

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    Website | WikipediaFacebook | Instagram |

  • ELSA Mannheim e.V.

    With 50,000 members, the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) is the largest, independent association of law students in the world. As a member of ELSA, you are given lots of opportunities to gain legal experience. In addition to workshops and presentations at law firms and legal institutions, ELSA has its own international internship program and law schools.

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  • Infinity Mannheim e.V.

    Infinity Mannheim is committed to raising awareness about sustainability. In addition to presentations and workshops on sustainability, Infinity also organizes courses in which members can develop their skills, such as courses on rhetoric and Photoshop.

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  • INTEGRA e.V.

    As a student consultancy, INTEGRA has already completed over 400 consultancy projects with companies from various sectors. The initiative advises diverse companies; from major corporations to start-ups. Through workshops, courses and real consulting projects, members have the chance to further develop their skills outside of their studies and prepare for professional life in the consulting industry and beyond.

    Find out more:
    Website | LinkedIn | Instagram

  • Mannheimer Forum Accounting & Taxation e.V.

    The MaFAT student club is the only student organization active in the fields of tax and accounting. Its main activities include workshops, presentations, and informal meetings with partner companies. The club aims to share the academic and practical experiences and opportunities on offer in these fields with its members, and create a network of students, scholars and practitioners. It also plans social events, excursions, and monthly discussions.

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  • Mannheim Finance und Controlling Club e.V. (MFCC)

    The MFCC combines the theoretical knowledge taught at university with controlling, auditing, and finance. Members can improve their SAP and Excel skills by attending workshops with companies. The MFCC also organizes large events such as panel discussions on football and the economy, and social events like the Running Dinner.

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  • Mannheim Supply Chain Students (MSCS)

    As a member of this organization, students gain an insight into logistic and production processes, and become familiar with supply chain management at companies in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. The organization not only arranges specialized presentations and discussions, it also organizes visits to plants and factories, including the LIDL warehouse in Speyer, the Porsche production plant in Zuffenhausen, and Frankfurt international airport. 

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  • Exceed – Verein zur Förderung der Berufsausbildung e. V.

    Exceed is a cross-disciplinary student organization that provides students with an insight into different sectors, helping them to choose the right career. Members organize presentations and workshops, gain initial experience in project management, and network with companies. The organization hosts the Mannheim Consulting Weeks each semester, where interactive workshops, presentations, and case studies are organized in collaboration with international consulting firms.

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  • MTP – Marketing zwischen Theorie und Praxis e.V.

    MTP is an organization for all students interested in marketing. Members of MTP don’t just benefit from the organization’s national network, they can also attend soft skills training sessions on, for example, time management, project management, and creative skills. In addition to presentations, workshops, and consulting projects, MTP organizes large events such as the European Marketing Camp in Barcelona, and Marketing Horizonte in Frankfurt.

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  • Plurale Ökonomik Mannheim

    Plurale Ökonomik Mannheim focuses on various topics and methods from the field of Economics. The organizations provides a forum for discussions on politics, economics, and society. There are also presentations, and small group discussions with professors on, for example, current economics-related topics such as sustainable consumption.

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  • PRO BONO Mannheim – Studentische Rechtsberatung

    Students from across the University of Mannheim can join PRO BONO and provide free legal advice on matters relating to private law, residence law and asylum law. The organization is supported by professors and lawyers. PRO BONO also regularly provides consultation hours for refugees.

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  • Q-Summit an der Universität Mannheim e.V.

    The Q-Summit is a conference on entrepreneurship and innovation which is organized by students. The two-and-a-half day conference attracts over 500 visitors and features pitch battles, workshops, panel discussions and a start-up village. Our members can get involved with the conference by developing the event concept, providing IT support, finding speakers and sponsors, and organizing and marketing the event.

    Be inspiring. Be Q.

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  • ROCK YOUR LIFE! Mannheim e.V.

    Members of ROCK YOUR LIFE! mentor pupils as they transition from school to the workplace. Alternatively, members can get involved with the administrative side of the organization and contribute, for example, to developing its marketing strategy. The overall aim of the organization is to develop and promote educational equality.

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  • thinc! e.V.

    thinc! is an organization for start-ups and addresses questions like “how do I turn my idea into a business?” and “what do I have to think about when starting my own company?”. It regularly organizes presentations and workshops with experts from different sectors, and its members travel to Berlin once per year for an insight into the city’s start-up culture. You don’t need to have a concrete business idea to join thinc!, it’s also possible to help others with their projects.

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  • uni[ma]gazin e.V.

    The uni[ma]gazin is an independent magazine created by students for students in Mannheim. By joining this organization, members can get experience working as journalists by writing articles, taking photos and creating layouts. The magazine finances itself. In addition to the weekly meetings, the organization also arranges workshops and presentations.

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  • VaPassion. e.V.

    VaPassion. wants to show students the different career options open to them after they graduate from the University of Mannheim. In past semesters, the organization arranged presentations and workshops with Porsche, Hugo Boss and Google Deutschland. Its projects give members the chance to contribute their own ideas at any time. The organization also regularly hosts social events such as the Running Dinner and the flunkyball tournament against the departmental student committee for Business Administration.

    Find out more:
    Website | Instagram | LinkedIn | Vimeo |

  • Mannheim Debating Union e.V.

    As a member of the Mannheim Debating Union, you learn how to quickly become familiar with new topics and spontaneously form an opinion on them. Each week, debates are held on controversial topics relating to society, the economy, and politics, giving members the chance to practice debating, and to receive feedback from fellow members. In addition to debates, the organization also arranges workshops to train rhetorical skills.

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  • SAV – Studentischer Automobilverband Universität Mannheim

    SAV brings together students from various disciplines to give them practical insights into the (automotive) mobility industry in cooperation with companies. The goal is to enable an intensive exchange with practitioners from the automotive industry and research through the nationwide association program. SAV members have the chance to exchange ideas and make contacts nationwide at joint workshops, company visits and internal social evenings.

    Weitere Informationen
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You still have not found what you are looking for? Here you will find an overview of all accredited student organizations.