We are the University of Mannheim.
We have more than 2,600 staff members.
The staff members have different tasks.
Our staff members enjoy good working conditions.
Staff members enjoy many benefits.
For example
- Trainings
- Sports courses
- Health activities
This is called flexitime.
Our staff members can decide
when they start to work.
And they can decide when they stop to work.
This is called telework.
Part of their working time, the staff members work in the office.
The rest of the time, the staff members can work from home.
Health activities
We give staff members advice on health.
We show our staff members
how to live a healthy life.
We have many offers.
For example
Colorectal-Cancer-Screening is a medical test.
With this test, the doctor can see if there are signs for colorectal cancer.
Our staff members have the opportunity to learn new things.
You can learn new things in trainings.
This is why we offer trainings.
We want
to give more women the opportunity to work at the University of Mannheim.
We have a plan for this.
Staff members should be able to be flexible.
This is why we support our staff members and their families.
Do you work at the University of Mannheim and have children? Then
we can look after your children
in one of these facilities, if we have a place available.
Parent and Child Room
Staff members can bring their child to our Parent and Child Room
when no child care is available.
Our staff members can work.
And their children can play.
In the Parent and Child Room, there are
- many toys
- a microwave
- a table
Part-time work:
Staff members do not have to work all week.
We can set fewer hours
in your employment contract.
Parents then have more time for their child.
This is why we support diversity.
Diversity is a difficult word.
You pronounce it die ver city
Diversity means variety
Variety means
that there are many different people.
For example
- People speak different languages.
- People have different religions.
- People may have a disability.
We do not want anyone
to treat our staff members unjustly.
If someone it treated unjustly,
it is called discrimination.
Our staff members are allowed to be different.
They must not have a disadvantage because of that.
We want
everyone to be respectful.
Financial benefits
Our staff members have many financial benefits.
Financial benefits are good.
It means that staff members have to pay less for something.
For example, staff members pay less for
using public transport.
Public transport can be the bus or train.
There are different tickets to use public transport. For example
- The Deutschlandticket
- The Jobticket Baden-Württemberg
If staff members buy one of these tickets,
we pay EUR 25 of the price.