20.11.2023:Transgender Day of Remembrance: Help and Support at the University of Mannheim

As part of this year's TDoRs, the Trans*Action Weeks of the cities of Mannheim and Heidelberg are also taking place.

Trans* people face violence and murder in many countries. The Transgender Day of Remembrance was initiated to mourn and commemorate the lives lost to anti-trans* violence worldwide.  Anti-trans* violence and discrimination are a problem at universities as well. Only 13% of the people affected chose to report incidents of gender-based violence at higher education institutions. [1]

Students, employees and researchers who are being targeted by anti-trans* violence and discrimination can reach out to the University’s point of contact. More information and contact details can be found via: https://www.uni-mannheim.de/en/gender-equality-and-equal-opportunity/counseling/anti-discrimination/

Within the scope of the Diversity Audit “Creating Diversity”, the University of Mannheim is currently working on strengthening support systems and fair structures for trans*people and all members of the university. More information on the University‘s Diversity Audit: https://www.uni-mannheim.de/en/gender-equality-and-equal-opportunity/equal-opportunity-commissioners/department-of-equal-opportunity-and-social-diversity/

The Transgender Day of Remembrance2023 is framed by the Trans* Action Weeks Rhein-Neckar which are taking place from 1 November to 30 November 2023. The aim is to promote the visibility and offer information about the diversity of gender identities and their forms of expression as well as empowerment for trans*, non-binary and inter* people.

Under the motto “Commemorate and protest!” (“Gedenken und Protestieren!“), a demonstration will take place on November 19 at 4 pm at Mannheim Paradeplatz, followed by a rally.

Further information on the entire program of the Trans*Action Weeks Rhine-Neckar 2023 can be found at www.mannheim.de/taw  and www.heidelberg.de/lsbtiq  or in the program booklet.

[1] https://unisafe-gbv.eu/project-news/results-from-the-largest-european-survey-on-gender-based-violence-in-academia/
