Audit “Vielfalt gestalten”- Kick-off event on 23. Juni 22

Over the next two years, the University of Mannheim will take part in the audit “Vielfalt gestalten” of Stifterveband. Various people from across the university are actively involved, and as many university members as possible should participate. The kick-off event for the audit will take place on 23 June 2022.

The President's Office of the University of Mannheim together with the Department of Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity and the auditor Dr. Karoline Spelsberg-Papazoglou will present the 2-year participatory process in a 4-hour workshop in order to make diversity at the university even more visible and to further develop the university's diversity strategy.

Interested university members can register by contacting Ms. Alexandra Raquet.

Further information can be found on the intranet.
