Festschrift to Honor the 75th Anniversary

The University of Mannheim is celebrating the 75th anniversary of its re-establishment. The festschrift with the title “Eine Universität für die Gesellschaft. 75 Jahre Neubegründung Wirtschaftshochschule und Universität Mannheim“ (“A university for society. 75th anniversary of re-establishing the Wirtschaftshochschule and the University of Mannheim.”) costs 29.80 euros. You can purchase it directly from the publisher or in the Campus Shop of the University of Mannheim (Schloss Ostflügel).

The institution was founded in 1907 as Handelshochschule. In 1933, today’s University of Mannheim was dissolved and became part of Heidelberg University. In 1946, it was re-established as Wirtschaftshochschule. This year, the University of Mannheim celebrates the 75th anniversary of its re-establishment. To honor the anniversary, Dr. Sandra Eichfelder (University of Mannheim Archive), Professor Angela Borgstedt and Professor Philipp Gassert (both from the Department of History at the University of Mannheim) have published a festschrift with the title “Eine Universität für die Gesellschaft. 75 Jahre Neubegründung Wirtschaftshochschule und Universität Mannheim“(“A university for society. 75th anniversary of re-establishing the Wirtschaftshochschule and the University of Mannheim.”). The book describes the history of the institution as well as the history of its partner and service institutions.

You can buy the book for 29.80 euros at the Campus Shop (Schloss Ostflügel) or from the publisher regionalkultur.

An interview with the publishers is online here.
