Project to improve the Supply Chain Act

As part of the university's support for sustainability projects, the project “Improvements to the Supply Chain Act in Germany and the EU” was established at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Mannheim.

Project “Improvements to the Supply Chain Act in Germany and the EU”

 The Supply Chain Duty of Care Act (LKSG) in Germany and other countries regulates the responsibility of companies to comply with human rights along the supply chain and is therefore directly related to many UN sustainability goals. Violations are punishable by heavy fines. The adoption of an LKSG at EU level means that the existing German LKSG must be amended (and several other national LKSGs are currently in the process of being drafted, so it seems possible to exert influence). This offers the opportunity not only to fulfill the requirements of the EU directive, but also to check the German LKSG for further weaknesses and improve it if necessary. In collaboration with guest researchers, a specific case study will be used to investigate how the German LKSG can be further improved in order to better protect people and the environment at the beginning of the supply chain in particular, which are often located in countries of the Global South, or to improve conditions. In particular, the impact of the LKSG on Bangladesh will be investigated.

Participants are: as project leader Professor Dr. Bernward Gesang, Chair of Philosophy II., Dr. (habil.), Dr. Stefan Mann (Agroscope Schweiz), as guest scientitsts Dr. Manika Rödiger (Agroscope Schweiz) and  Dr. Md. Safiul Islam Afrad (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Bangladesch).
