University of Mannheim Defines Strategy until 2028

The University of Mannheim has adopted a new strategic plan. In the strategy paper, the university sets out precise goals for the period up to 2028 in the areas of research, teaching, internationalization, equal opportunity and diversity, sustainability, transfer, and administration.

After one year of intensive strategic dialog with the schools, central institutions, committees, and all stakeholder groups of the university, the goals were jointly developed and unanimously approved by the Senate and the University Supervisory Board. The aim of the strategy is to consolidate and further improve the University of Mannheim's position in international competition.

In the future, the university will strengthen theory-based empirical research and promote the further development of empirical methods as well as their critical reflection. The recently established Center for Advanced Studies will further improve the framework conditions for collaborative research projects. In teaching, the University of Mannheim, as a traditional brick and mortar university, focuses on promoting exchange and discourse, while at the same time pushing ahead digitalization.

Internationalization is being further intensified through the ENGAGE.EU university alliance. The university strives to ensure that all students are provided with the opportunity to gain international learning experience. Regarding equal opportunity and diversity, the university is pursuing the goal of gender parity at all career levels and developing a comprehensive diversity strategy. For more information, please refer to the current equal opportunity strategy (in German).

The sustainability strategy is designed to help optimize the university's internal processes and anchor the topic even more firmly in research and teaching. A transfer strategy is being developed in order to make a stronger impact on society, politics, and the economy. The TransforMA project is intended to provide new impetus and further promote the transfer of knowledge and innovation.

In the future, the focus in administration will be on digital transformation. The WANDELdigital program will guide this process.

More on the university's strategy

For the strategic plan (in German), please refer to the Intranet.
