Students of the University of Mannheim Honored with Sustainability Award
For the first time, the City of Mannheim has honored students for their final theses on sustainability. Two students of the University of Mannheim have received the award.
For the City of Mannheim, it was important that the students’ final thesis contributes to the promotion of sustainability, for example by referring to at least one of the 17 sustainability development goals of the United Nations. The thesis should also promote sustainability in the City of Mannheim. This year, the theses of Miriam Wörner and Nik Sachteleben, students at the University of Mannheim, were selected.
Miriam Wörner wrote her thesis in the bachelor’s program in Culture and Economy: Media and Communication Studies about the sustainability of sustainability communication (“Wie nachhaltig ist Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation? Eine empirische Studie zur Wirkung ausgewählter Nachhaltigkeitskommunikationsstrategien auf die Unternehmensreputation”). In her work, she analyzed how different approaches to sustainability communication affect the reputation of companies. Wörner analyzed the effect of credibility, emotionalization or personalization strategies within sustainability communication. In her work, the 23-year-old student referred to the sustainability development goal no. 8 (decent work and economic growth), no. 12 (responsible consumption and production) and no. 13 (climate action), since topics related to these goals were communication content she analyzed.
The title of Nik Sachteleben’s master's thesis is “Enabling circular economy to unfold its potential – Development of a holistic impact measurement model for circular economy”. Sachteleben’s work is about a measurement model for circular economy taking into account all relevant aspects (sustainability, society, and economy) and not only one aspect. With his thesis, the 26-year-old student completed the master’s program “Mannheim Master in Management”.
Text: Luisa Gebhardt/