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Mannheim Master in Data Science

Ein Porträtfoto von Rohit Gupta. Er lächelt, trägt schwarze, kurze Haare und eine dunkelblaue Sweatshirtjacke.

The Mannheim Master in Data Science program encourages people with a background not related to computer science like me to pursue a career in the new field of Data Science. It is a very innovative program, which offers a combination of courses in statistics, math, data management, and data analytics. The professors are doing exciting research and my research position offered me great insights into the field, which has allowed me to continue learning outside the classroom.

Rohit Gupta, Mannheim Master in Data Science / Credit: Leonie Kopetzki
  • Program facts and information

    Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)

    Standard period of study: 4 semesters (2 years)

    ECTS credits: approx. 120

    Language of instruction: English

    Language requirements: English; for information on the required proof of language proficiency see “Admission requirements and selection”

    Program start: Fall semester (September) and spring semester (February)
    Academic calendar

    School: School of Business Informatics and Mathematics

    Semester fee: EUR 169 (more information)
    Tuition fees for international students from non-EU countries: EUR 1,500
    Tuition fees for a second degree: EUR 650

  • Program overview

    Machine learning, artificial intelligence,and big data play a central role in modern information systems. The Mannheim Master in Data Science equips students with advanced expertise in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and large-scale data management. The program blends an extensive course selection with practical projects and research opportunities. Students acquire skills in collecting, organizing, and mining large amounts of data, and learn to apply these skills for data-driven problem-solving in various fields.

    The curriculum comprises fundamentals in machine learning, data mining, data security, and data management, as well as a wide range of elective courses in areas such as deep learning, text analytics, computer vision, process mining, data integration, reinforcement learning, and optimization, among many others.

  • Why study the Mannheim Master in Data Science program?

    The Mannheim Master in Data Science offers a wide variety of courses that students can choose from, and a large degree of freedom to compile a curriculum based on individual interests. The course offerings include technical courses in the area of data analytics and data management, as well as courses on applying machine learning techniques to different types of data and within different application domains.

    Thanks to close interdisciplinary collaborations between the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics and the School of Social Science, the School of Business, and the School of Humanities, MMDS students can also choose from various methodological as well as applied courses offered by these schools.

    Mannheim is located in the Rhine Neckar metropolitan region, where large companies such as SAP, ABB, BASF, Roche, and Heidelberg Materials have their headquarters. Moreover, hundreds of innovative startups are located in the area. Every semester, hands-on projects with partner companies are offered in the study program, allowing students to get in touch with businesses and enhance their networks. Many students eventually choose to write their master’s thesis in one of those companies.

    With 40 places per year, the class size of this program of study is rather small. Students in the master’s program Mannheim Master in Data Science thus benefit from a low student-to-teacher ratio and individual and personal contacts to the teaching staff.

    The University of Mannheim is part of a global network. The university’s ties to more than 450 partner universities all over the world do not only impact life on campus, but also open numerous doors to those students who wish to study abroad for a semester. In addition, the Engage.EU network allows students to attend online courses at partner universities all across Europe.

  • Career opportunities

    The amount of data collected, as well as the progress of data mining and artificial intelligence methods have led to a growing interest in data-driven problem solving in companies, civil service institutions, and in research. As this development is ongoing and is even accelerated by the current boom in artificial intelligence, the job opportunities for data scientists are excellent and are also expected to stay excellent for the time to come. Graduates of the Mannheim Master in Data Science can thus choose from a wide range of opportunities in industry, civil service, and academia.

    No matter whether you aim at working as a data scientist or AI specialist in a company, a civil service organization, or plan to follow the path to a PhD as an academic researcher, the Mannheim Master in Data Science provides you with an excellent study program to support your future career.

  • Required interests and skills

    Students in the master’s program Mannheim Master in Data Science should

    • be interested in IT and programming,
    • have a general understanding of statistics and mathematics,
    • be innovative,
    • be capable of analytical thinking.
  • Program structure

    Note: this page describes the updated structure of the MMDS for students starting from HWS 2024. Students who started earlier find information on their study program here .

    The master’s program comprises seven blocks:

    • Data Science Fundamentals (27 ECTS)
    • Data Management (6–24 ECTS)
    • Data Analytics Methods (12–36 ECTS)
    • Responsible Data Science (3–7 ECTS)
    • Data Science Applications (0–12 ECTS)
    • Projects and Seminars (14–18 ECTS)
    • Master’s Thesis (30 ECTS)

    The data science fundamentals block comprises four mandatory courses in data mining, machine learning, large-scale data management, and data security and privacy. The data management block teaches data management methods from database query optimization to blockchains. The data analytics methods teaches data mining methods for different kinds of data, such as text, image, process, and social network data. In the responsible data science block, students learn to judge the societal impact of data science and AI. The data science applications block comprises courses offered by different schools, such as business, humanities, and social science, which discuss data-driven methods in different application areas. Finally, in projects and seminars, and in the master’s thesis, students conduct their own research projects, both individually and in teams.

    Studying abroad
    The University of Mannheim is partners with 450 universities around the world. In collaboration with the International Office, the school can help you plan a period of study abroad. In the master's program Mannheim Master in Data Science, studying abroad is optional.

    Examination regulations for the master’s program do not provide for a mandatory internship. If you would like to do a voluntary internship, the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics, thanks to its strong business contacts, will be in the best position to to assist you with the organization.

  • Continuing education

    Certificate programs
    Strengthen your potential, deepen your knowledge, find solutions for challenges we will face tomorrow – there are many good reasons to think outside the box, get to know and try out new things even during your studies.

    At the University of Mannheim, you can do this in the “Studium Oecologicum” which focuses on sustainability. In our certificate program, you will acquire interdisciplinary expert knowledge which can help you to act ethically and to make holistic decisions.

    Continuing education services in academics

    Language courses
    Making language learning easier: No matter if you want to learn Japanese, Hebrew, Spanish or Norwegian, take the Graduate Record Examination Test (GRE), The European Language Certificates (telc) or the TOEFL test – each semester, the University of Mannheim offers language courses and language certificates in more than 16 languages for students and non-university members, online and on campus!

    Language courses at the University of Mannheim

    Studium Generale
    Are you interested in IT or communication trainings or theater, music, or drawing courses? Studium Generale has a vast range of courses available to all.

    Current Studium Generale program

  • Doctorates

    Graduates of the master’s program Mannheim Master in Data Science qualify for a doctoral program either as research assistants or external doctoral candidates at a chair.

    Doctoral programs and opportunities at the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
    General information on doctoral studies at the University of Mannheim


  • Admission requirements and selection

    In our selection process, we take numerous criteria into account. For more details, please check the selection statutes (see below).

    Admission requirements

    If you have not yet completed your bachelor’s degree, you may still apply for a master’s program as long as will provide a proof that you have obtained at least 130 ECTS credits.

    • Completion of a bachelor’s program in Informatics or Mathematics or a related program or a bachelor’s program with courses equivalent to at least 70 ECTS credits in Informatics, Mathematics or Statistics, completed with a grade of “good” or better (equivalent to the German grade of 2.5) at a German higher education institution or abroad (also Berufsakademie) and corresponding to at least 180 ECTS credits or a regular period of study of at least three years.
    • Proof of proficiency in English (may be submitted by 15 August or 15 January, respectively)

    Selection criteria

    • The final grade or – for students still completing their degree – the grade average of the bachelor’s program
    • Studying abroad
    • Essay (in German or English, 5000 words minimum)
    • Relevant professional activities

    In addition to your application documents, you must submit an essay in English or German of at least 5,000 words written during the course of studies (e.g. a bachelor’s thesis) with a subject-specific focus on Data Science, Mathematics, Informatics or Statistics. The text must comply with the general rules for academic writing and research.

    Selection statutes
    Under “Admission requirements and selection” we have compiled the most important selection criteria of the program for you. For more detailed explanations of the selection process and the legally binding requirements of the degree program, please refer to the selection statutes.

  • Application

    Application deadline
    The application deadline for fall semesters starts on 10 April and ends on 15 May.

    For spring semesters the application is possible from 15 October until 15 November.


Lisa Wessa, M.A.

Lisa Wessa, M.A.

Program Manager B.Sc. Business Mathematics, B.Sc. Business Informatics, Mannheim Master in Data Science
University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B 6, 26
Gebäudeteil B – Room B1.04
68159 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
You can reach me Mondays 11:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m. via phone or via E-Mail. Online-Appointments are possible.
Admissions Office

Admissions Office

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