Research Skills

You can now register for the Research Skills seminar series in the fall/winter semester 2024. It will provide you with tips and tools for your research or studies.

This semester, the University Library is once again offering a varied programme of courses and training. You can learn how to integrate GitHub and open science techniques into your research process, which AI tools can make your work easier, what to include in a replication package, and how to transcribe historical texts with the help of a computer. Whether you are a student, early career researcher or already working in academia, our experts will provide you with the expertise you need to succeed. You can register now. Many courses are also open to external students.

17 September: Research Data Management at Uni Mannheim

24 September: GitHub for Research (Data)

01 October: Introduction to Open Science

08 October: Data Management Plans Workshop

10 October: Crash Course Data Literacy

16 October: AI Playground: KI-Tools für Studium und Forschung

17 October: Understanding Research Data

22 October: Replication: „I packed my replication package and in it I put …"

24 October: Organizing Research Data

29 October: Open Access

31 October: Searching Research Data

05 November: Replication Crisis

07 November: Collecting Research Data

12 November: Open Educational Resources (OER)

13 November: Digital History: Erschließung historischer Quellen mit eScriptorium

19 November: Pre-registration of Research Projects

26 November: Grundlagen der Erstellung digitaler Editionen

Check the current programme and register for events via the Student Portal. External participants should register via the link in the event announcement.
