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Eine Hand hält einen Papierflieger vor der Kulisse des Mannheimer Schlosses im Hintergrund.
Think Tank on Cultural Change: White Paper Published
Digital transformation is reshaping our working environment, presenting new challenges for universities. The latest White Paper from Think Tank 09 by offers insights on how to manage this cultural shift effectively. It provides actionable recommendations for university leadership and ...
Vier Menschen, darunter eine Frau mit einem weißblau gestreiftem Oberteil, legen ihre Hände in der Mitte übereinander
“Taking the Pulse of the Country:” Examining Germany’s Dignity Gap in Politics, Society, and at Work
In their first policy brief “Taking the Pulse of the Country,” University of Mannheim professors Dr. Oliver Spalt and Dr. Richard Traunmüller set out to examine the level of approval and respect people in Germany experience from politicians, within society, and at work. The political realm reveals ...
Eine große Gruppe Menschen sitzt und steht vor einer schwarzen Wand. Sie lachen.
Mannheim University Theater Is Looking for New Members
The Mannheim University Theater (Unitheater) is looking for new actors and staff for the performance in spring 2025
In einem Wald stehen durcheinander viele Grabsteine mit hebräischer Aufschrift
Exploring Jewish Life in the Odenwald Region
The small town of Bödigheim in the municipality of Buchen is home to one of the largest Jewish cemeteries in the German Southwest. Most residents have no idea it exists. University of Mannheim student Philipp Meder is on a quest to uncover the intricate history of this historically significant site.
Die Laokoon-Gruppe, bedeutendste Darstellung des Todeskampfs Laokoons und seiner Söhne in der bildenden Kunst, im Mannheimer Antikensaal.
Call for Submissions: LAOKOON AWARD 2024
The LAOKOON AWARD recognizes and celebrates artistic explorations of Mannheim’s Antikensaal. This year’s winner will receive a 1000 euro endowment, courtesy of the Förderverein des Historischen Instituts, of the Antikensaal at the University of Mannheim and the Karin & Carl-Heinrich Esser Stiftung.
Studierende sitzen in einem Hörsaal und schauen auf die Powerpoint-Präsentation an der Wand.
International Summer Academy
The International Summer Academy at the University of Mannheim is taking place for the 54th time in August.
Türkisfarbene Mappen liegen auf einem schwarzen Tisch. Die Mappe haben die weiße Aufschrift "SFB/Transregio 266, Accounting for Transparency".
GBP Monitor: Despite the Supply Chain Act, Financial Factors Dominate the Selection of Business Relationships – Sustainability Takes a Backseat
For companies, proven criteria such as price, the reliability of payment terms or the length of the business relationship continue to play the most important role when selecting their customers and suppliers. Sustainability aspects are clearly subordinate – despite the new Supply Chain Act. This is ...
Porträt von David Kretschmer
Sociologist David Kretschmer Has Been Awarded the 2024 Lorenz-von-Stein Prize
Kretschmer receives the award for his dissertation on the friendships of Muslim youth in Germany.
Mannheim Professor of Law Advises Federal Ministry of Finance on Simplifying Corporate Tax
Together with 12 other experts, Professor Dr. Erik Röder prepared a report with proposals for simplifying corporate taxation and lessen the bureaucratic burden on companies. The report has now been handed over to Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner.
Camille Urvoy smiles ino the camera
After Takeover, French TV Channels Broadcast 50% More Far-Right Opinions
In a new study, the EPoS Economic Research Center at the Universities of Mannheim and Bonn, led by Professor Camille Urvoy, Ph.D., analyzed French TV channels with regard to the political preferences of their owners. Channels of the Canal Plus Group, which was recently bought by billionaire Vincent ...