DoSV is only relevant for European Union citizens, applicants holding a citizenship of one of the countries in the European Economic Area and applicants with a German Abitur.
The dialog-oriented service procedure coordinates the allocation of study places on bachelor's programs at all participating higher education institutions in Germany. Every applicant can only accept one study place on which means that the capacity available at each higher education institution is used efficiently, and as many applicants as possible are allocated a study place.
You can find further information on the process on
Which programs at the University of Mannheim can I apply for via the DoSV?
Currently, you can apply for a study place on any of our selective bachelor's programs (excluding Bachelor of Education programs) using the dialog-oriented service procedure (DoSV). Changes are possible for the fall semester 2024.
Do I have to submit my documents to the University of Mannheim?
Is the application process the same at all higher education institutions?
You can find out if and how a higher education institution participates in the DoSV by contacting the institution directly or visiting
How and where do I register?
You need to register for both the online application portal of the University of Mannheim and the application portal on To apply to the University of Mannheim online, you need your applicant ID (BID) and your applicant authentication number (BAN). You will receive these numbers once you have registered on
How many applications can I submit?
Do I submit main applications or applications with a lower priority?
What do the priorities mean?
On, you need to prioritize the programs you are applying for or the institutions to which you are applying as soon as possible since this is only possible until the end of the coordination phase. Furthermore,you are only given the best possible offer of admission based on your list of priorities. Applications having a lower priority will not be considered.
If you get an offer for your first priority, you will automatically get an admission.
At the end of the coordination phase, you will automatically be granted admission based on your best possible offer. If an offer is not possible at all, unfortunately, you will get a letter of rejection.
What do the different statuses mean?
Here, we explain what each status of the dialog-oriented service procedure means.
The application has been received by
The application can be considered in the selection process.Preliminarily excluded
The application has been excluded by the higher education institution and is not included in the selection process.Admission offer exists
You have received an offer of admission from a higher education institution. If you accept this offer, you will receive an official letter of admission containing your personal enrollment deadline. Please note: once you accept an offer of admission, you will no longer be included in any other admissions processes.
Admission offer not currently possible
A study place can not be allocated to you a this time but your application is still being included in the admissions process. This status does not mean that your application has been rejected. Please note: as soon as this status is shown in your account, you will be able to view your place on the ranking list on hochschulstart.deExcluded
The decision on which applications are rejected is announced by the end of August. Letters of rejection are sent out by can find detailed information on each status in the glossary on
How do I accept an offer of admission?
When will I receive my official letter of admission?
What is the enrollment deadline?
Please take note of any prerequisites for admission.
Sometimes, official letters of admission may contain prerequisites. They are usually listed in the portal on before you accept your offer of admission. These prerequisites for admission are conditions which must be fulfilled in order to take up your studies at the University of Mannheim. For example, an applicant is allocated a study place for a bachelor's program in the field of business administration but did not submit proof of their English language proficiency as part of the application. In this case, they must submit the relevant proof by beginning of the lecture period in September. We therefore advise that you check whether your official letter of admission contains any prerequisites for admission before accepting a study place.