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Thomas Fetzer Elected New President of the University of Mannheim
The Professor of Law and current Vice President is set to take over from President Thomas Puhl in October.
Mitglieder der Bigband bei der Probe
Musicians Wanted
The College Jazz Orchestra, the big band of the University of Mannheim, is looking for new instrumentalists.
Frank Kalter hat kurze graue Haare und lacht in die Kamera. Er trägt ein blaues Hemd.
Frank Kalter Appointed to the German Science and Humanities Council
With a letter of the Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Professor Dr. Frank Kalter will be appointed to the German Science and Humanities Council, the oldest science policy advisory body in Europe, starting on 1 February 2024.
Zukunftsrat Recommends Extensive Reforms of Germany’s Public Service Broadcasting
The Zukunftsrat, a committee for the future development of public broadcasting in Germany, has recently published its final report. Nadine Klass, Professor of Law at the University of Mannheim, has been among the eight experts who have now presented their recommendations.
GPT  Bunte, ausgeschnittene Figuren aus Papier stehen dicht nebeneinander auf einem weißen Hintergrund.
University of Mannheim: Standing up for Democracy and the Rule of Law
Statement from 25 January 2024
New Competence Center Will Improve Data Quality in Social Science Research
Research results are heavily dependent on the quality of the underlying data. A new center aims to teach social scientists how to evaluate the quality of the data used by them. The Competence Center for Data Quality in the Social Sciences (KODAQS) will be established by GESIS – Leibniz Institute for ...
Der Westflügel des Mannheimer Barockschlosses bei Sonnenschein.
University of Mannheim Defines Strategy until 2028
The University of Mannheim has adopted a new strategic plan. In the strategy paper, the university sets out precise goals for the period up to 2028 in the areas of research, teaching, internationalization, equal opportunity and diversity, sustainability, transfer, and administration.
Three Early-Stage Researchers of the University of Mannheim Accepted into the Elite Program of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung
Dr. Daniela Kuschel, Dr. Alex Spike Gibbs and Dr. Martin Schnuerch are accepted into the prestigious elite program. They will receive funding for a period of 36 months.
Türkisfarbene Mappen liegen auf einem schwarzen Tisch. Die Mappe haben die weiße Aufschrift "SFB/Transregio 266, Accounting for Transparency".
GBP Monitor in January: Sustainable Companies Are Not More Honest than Others When It Comes to Financial Reporting
Since this year, many companies are obliged to publish their key sustainability figures in the same way they publish their financial information. How do companies deal with the non-financial ESG figures which include environmental and social aspects as well as governance?
Studium Generale: Language courses at reduced prices for ENGAGE.EU languages
The program for the Studium Generale in the spring semester is online. On the occasion of the continued funding of ENGAGE.EU, the University of Mannheim has the opportunity to offer its students selected European languages for a reduced price of 15 euros. Registration starts on 5 February.