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Semester Concerts
University choir, orchestra and big band invite you to their concerts
Türkisfarbene Mappen liegen auf einem schwarzen Tisch. Die Mappe haben die weiße Aufschrift "SFB/Transregio 266, Accounting for Transparency".
GBP Monitor November: Companies Are Skeptical About the Investment-Promotion Effect of the Growth Opportunities Act
The Growth Opportunities Act, which is about to be passed, aims to promote investments in Germany and to counteract economic crises. But can the planned measures deliver what they promise? The new study of the German Business Panel shows that many companies are skeptical about that. Less than 20 ...
Eine große Gruppe an Menschen steht in schicker Kleidung auf einer Treppe vor einem Gebäude.
Annual Conference in Rome: A Look Back and Ahead
The ENGAGE.EU Annual Conference in Rome Celebrated Three Years of Work and Kicked-off the New Funding Phase of the Alliance
Preisverleihung des Julie Bassermann Preises
Julie Bassermann Award Ceremony: Honoring the Young Researchers of the Business School of the University of Mannheim
As part of the implementation of the “Europäischen Charta für die Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern auf kommunaler und regionaler Ebene” (European Charter for Equality between Women and Men at Local and Regional Levels), the City of Mannheim's Gender Equality Officer and the Department of ...
Ein silberner Pokal steht auf einem Regal. Hinter dem Regal steht ein Banner, auf dem folgendes zu lesen ist: "The european university engaged in societal changes".
ENGAGE.EU Learning Analytics: Awarded Papers
How do we measure the learning progress and performance of students? ENGAGE.EU is tackling this task as part of the “Organize ENGAGE.EU Learning Analytics Research” task. Lea Cohausz received the Best Paper Award.
143 Scholarship Holders in the Academic Year 2023/2024
In the academic year 2023/2024, 143 students of the University of Mannheim receive funding in form of a scholarship.
33 New Scholarship Holders of the Elite Sports Scholarship Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region
At the welcoming event on 23 October, the new scholarship holders were officially added to the program.
Schwarz-weiß Portrait von Hans Albert. Er trägt ein weißes Hemd sowie einen schwarzen Pullover.
Mourning the Loss of Professor Hans Albert
The University of Mannheim and the School of Social Sciences are mourning the loss of Professor em. Dr. rer. pol. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Albert. The sociologist, philosopher and Professor emeritus of the University of Mannheim passed away on 24 October 2023 at the age of 102.
Sustainability Award of the City of Mannheim
The Department of Economic and Structural Development will award one bachelor's and one master's or admission thesis that adresses the topic of sustainability with 500 euros each. Apply for the Sustainability Award of the City of Mannheim by 30 November 2023!
Portrait von Beatrice Rammstedt. Sie trägt eine schwarze Bluse und steht vor einer weißen Wand.
Beatrice Rammstedt Receives the Alfred Binet Prize for Promoting Quality in Psychological Diagnostics
The Mannheim psychologist receives the prize of the German Psychological Society for her research in psychological diagnostics and for establishing diagnostic procedures for recording psychological traits.