Zwei Studentinnen und ein Student sitzen an einem Tisch und lernen gemeinsam.

Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Teacher Education

Ein Porträt von Annamaria Grossmann. Sie lächelt, hat lange braune Haare und trägt ein dunkelblaues Oberteil. In ihren Händen hält sie ein Buch mit der goldenen Aufschrift "Masterarbeit".

I decided to study at the University of Mannheim because of its excellent reputation in the field of Social Sciences. The University of Mannheim closely collaborates with schools and the master’s program in Teacher Education thus has been perfectly adapted to the challenges that schools face nowadays. I always felt like I was well looked after thanks to small groups in the German and Politics seminars. Since the academic approach to the subject is well combined with practical experience, you have a wide range of career opportunities, not only in teaching.

Annamaria Grossmann, graduate of the master’s program in Teacher Education: German, Politics / Credit: Zoe Olsen
Selina Mühlberg hat braune lange Haare und große Creolenohrringe. Sie trägt ein helles, türkisenes Oberteil.

I decided to enroll at the University of Mannheim, because I desperately wanted to choose Italian as one of my subjects in the Teacher Education program. I was positively surprised by the range of linguistic seminars on offer and I learned a lot about politics, culture, and education in my subjects Italian, French, and Spanish. Multilingualism and interculturality became a very important part of my life and I am excited to soon pass on these skills as a teacher myself.

Selina Mühlberg, student in the master’s program in Teacher Education – Italian, French, and Spanish / Credit: Maximilian Oechsler

The master’s program in Teacher Education offers a multitude of opportunities in both subjects to freely choose your own specializations and organize your studies in a flexible and individual manner within program’s given structure. The modules in Education Sciences cover a wide range of topics so you feel very well prepared for a teaching position. The University Library provides a great learning environment, which also contributes to the students’ academic success. Besides, the City of Mannheim is the perfect place for students. The university is located right in the heart of the city so you can easily combine living and studying.

Katharina Wolpert, student in the master’s program in Teacher Education: Mathematics, Philosophy/Ethics / Credit: Nils Picksak
Ein Porträt von Florian Braun vor der roten Steinfassade des Mannheimer Schlosses. Er grinst, hat kurzes blondes Haar und trägt einen schwarzen Pullover. Er hat seine Hände in die Taschen seiner blauen Jeans gesteckt.

In view of its modest and easily manageable size, the Department of Romance Studies at the University of Mannheim offers excellent study conditions and a wide and most diverse range of courses. Teachers know their students very well and there is an almost family-like atmosphere. My personal highlight during my studies were the excursions we made as they created strong bonds between us students. The research areas of Romance Languages and Linguistics such as multilingualism or Romance minority languages, have encouraged me to broaden my own cultural and linguistic horizon as well as to learn even more Romance languages. In addition to that, the foreign language skills and teaching methodology courses offered as part of the Mannheim Teacher Education program were small and familiar and thus prepared me very well for working as a teacher.

Florian Braun, student in the master’s program in Teacher Education: French, Political Science / Credit: Jula Jacob
Felicia Bischoff hat braunes langes Haar. Sie trägt ein schwarzes T-Shirt mit dem Logo der Universität Mannheim und dem Aufdruck der Fachschaft für Sprache und Literatur.

The University of Mannheim offers a lot of opportunities, especially for language enthusiasts like me. The teachers of foreign language skills courses are all native speakers; thus they are authentic role models from whom you can learn a lot. In addition to that, the global international network of the University of Mannheim offers many options to go a semester abroad. This is something I also benefit from.

Felicia Bischoff, student of the master's program in Teacher Education: English, French / Credit: Farina Stock
Ein Porträt von Ricarda Droste. Sie hat braune Haare und trägt ein schwarzes T-Shirt. Sie lächelt breit, ist lässig gegen eine graue Fotowand gelehnt und hat ihre Arme überkreuzt.

The program in Teacher Education at the University of Mannheim has not only educated me professionally but also personally in all respects. Theory and practice are perfectly combined and I feel ideally prepared for my future career. As students, we are surrounded by a network of advisors for subject-specific academic advice, program managers and/or academic staff members who are always happy to help with all questions and issues we may have. This way, we can fully concentrate on our studies.

Ricarda Droste, student in the master’s program in Teacher Education: German, Political Science / Credit: Fotostudio klassisch-modern
Sina Weiller hat braune Haare und trägt einen dunkelblauen Cardigan über einem grünen Shirt.

After graduating from high school, I decided to become a teacher in order to be able to accompany the “heroes of tomorrow” for a while, and my choice quickly fell on the University of Mannheim. In addition to the great opportunity of studying two languages in a palace building, the variety of courses was very appealing to me. Though the campus of the University of Mannheim is moderate in size, it is big enough to allow you to get to know people from all over the world. So I quickly realized: I don't want to leave this place!

Sina Weiller, student in the master’s program in Teacher Education: German, English / Credit: Adrian Szafranski
Ein Porträt von Konstantin Werner. Er hat kurzes blondes Haar und trägt eine braune runde Brille sowie ein dunkelrotes T-Shirt.

I’ve always been convinced that the academic training at the University of Mannheim is excellent. What I liked especially about my program was teaching in the field of Economics. In these courses, we were introduced to various economic models in a vivid manner and with a clear reference to current events. And we were always made aware of the fact that economic models cannot perfectly represent reality and thus only serve to make complex issues more easily comprehensible.

Konstantin Werner, graduate in the master’s program in Teacher Education: Politics, Economics / Credit: Daniela Haupt
  • Program facts and information

    Degree: Master of Education (M.Ed.)

    Standard period of study: 4 semesters (2 years)

    ECTS credits: 120
    (two subjects with 24 ECTS credits respectively, 26 ECTS in Education Sciences, 15 ECTS in Teaching Methodology, 16 ECTS credits for the placement semester, 15 ECTS credits for the master's thesis)

    Language of instruction: German and, depending on the subjects chosen, English, French, Italian, or Spanish

    Language requirements: German (click here for further information) and other languages, depending on the subjects chosen. For further information see “Admission requirements and selection"

    Program start: Fall semester (September) and spring semester (February).
    Academic calendar

    School: depending on the subjects chosen (School of Humanities, School of Social Sciences, School of Business Informatics and Mathematics)

    Semester fee: EUR 169 (more information)
    Tuition fees for international students from non-EU countries: EUR 1,500
    Tuition fees for a second degree: EUR 650

  • Program overview

    The master's program in Teacher Education (M.Ed.) at the University of Mannheim is the right choice for all those who want to work as a teacher either at secondary schools (Gymnasium) or vocational schools

    The program is based on the bachelor's program in Teacher Education (B.Ed.) and provides in-depth knowledge in the subject-specific courses of the two chosen subjects as well as in Education Sciences and teaching methodology. The two subjects are each studied to the same extent. Students thus acquire the professional competence that will be necessary for teaching the respective subject in school.

    Among others, you can choose from the following subjects:

    German ♦ English ♦ French ♦ History ♦ Informatics ♦ Italian ♦ Mathematics ♦ Philosophy/Ethics ♦ Political Science ♦ Spanish ♦ Economics and Business Administration

    *Please note that if you chose the subject Economics and Business Administration or the subject combination History and Political Science, you are only eligible to teach at higher academic secondary schools (Allgemeinbildende Gymnasien) in Baden-Württemberg.

    One of the program’s focuses is on Education Sciences. Students deal with teaching and learning from a scientific perspective and acquire important pedagogical and/or psychological knowledge and competencies for their later profession as teachers. Within the framework of the courses, topics such as diagnostics, heterogeneity and inclusion are dealt with in depth and applied to practical problems at school. Service-learning seminars in cooperation with Mannheim secondary schools and vocational schools ensure that theory and practice are combined in a way as to promote learning.

    Teaching Methodology seeks to improve the students’ skills in the effective teaching of subject content in class. In addition, special attention will be paid to the subject of multilingualism and education from a didactic perspective. 

    The scientific contents and competencies taught at the university are applied in practice during a placement semester that can be completed either at a secondary school or a vocational school. The placement semester enables students to get to know the school sector in a well-founded practical way.

  • Why study Teacher Education at the University of Mannheim?

    The master's program in Teacher Education is focused on the challenges that schools are facing today. The program has an interdisciplinary approach (combining subjects, Teaching Methodology, and Education Sciences) and provides teaching and research on currently relevant, school-related topics such as multilingualism and heterogeneity. In this program, students will acquire the skills they will later need as teachers at school. 

    Teacher training in Mannheim focuses on the issues of multilingualism and heterogeneity. The opportunities to participate in current, school-related research between the poles of theory and practice are particularly good. For example, a Chair of Didactics on the subject of Multilingualism will be established. Here, students can learn about the impact of multilingualism in class and how multilingualism can be used positively.

    As part of an education partnership, the University of Mannheim closely cooperates with various Mannheim schools in the field of teacher training. Courses combine theory and practice, and students can broaden their knowledge and acquire skills through real-world problems in real-world environments. 

    This way, the program ensures that students are ideally prepared for their future careers and qualify for the preparatory service (Referendariat) – the next step on the way to becoming a teacher. 

    Students enrolled in the master's program in Teacher Education are appreciative of the great support and advice they receive throughout their studies. The program managers, the Student Services team, the subject-specific academic advisors, and the teachers are happy to answer your questions on the program.

  • Career opportunities

    The master's program in Teacher Education ensures that graduates are perfectly prepared for a profession as teachers at secondary schools or vocational schools. Graduates of the master's program in Teacher Education meet the corresponding admission requirements to be admitted to the preparatory service for a career as secondary school teachers at secondary schools and vocational schools (Referendariat). 

    In addition to a classic career in teaching, the acquired competences also qualify for other activities, for example in adult education. It is also possible to start an academic career.

  • Required interests and skills

    Students of the master's program in Teacher Education should

    • be enthusiastic about the two subjects,
    • have fun imparting specialist content,
    • show interest in scientific studies on teaching and learning,
    • be sensitive to the challenges of multilingualism and heterogeneity in the classroom,
    • enjoy the challenges of studying different disciplines and combining them independently,
    • be able to reflect,
    • have the ability and motivation to transfer and apply the scientific content of a university program of study to the practice.
  • Program structure

    Studying abroad
    In the teacher education programs, there are diverse and exciting opportunities for studying abroad. The University of Mannheim is partners with 450 universities around the world. In the master's program in Teacher Education, studying abroad is optional. However, students are encouraged to spend a semester abroad. The best time to spend a semester abroad is the fourth semester. Students who plan on spending a semester abroad during their master’s program, usually write their master's thesis in the semester following their stay abroad. Another option is to do the placement semester abroad. In collaboration with the International Office, your respective school can help you plan a period of study abroad.

    The master's program in Teacher Education has an integrated placement semester. During this placement semester, students are provided with the opportunity to get to know the school sector in a well-founded way and with professional guidance and supervision. The placement semester takes place during the third subject-specific semester. Students can complete the placement semester at secondary schools or vocational schools in Baden-Württemberg and, under certain circumstances, also abroad. As a rule, the placement semester comprises twelve weeks of instruction and accompanying events at the Institute for Didactics and Teacher Training.

  • Continuing Education

    Certificate programs
    Strengthen your potential, deepen your knowledge, find solutions for challenges we will face tomorrow – there are many good reasons to think outside the box, get to know and try out new things even during your studies.

    At the University of Mannheim, you can do this in the “Studium Oecologicum” which focuses on sustainability. In our certificate program, you will acquire interdisciplinary expert knowledge which can help you to act ethically and to make holistic decisions.

    Continuing education services in academics

    Language courses
    Making language learning easier: No matter if you want to learn Japanese, Hebrew, Spanish or Norwegian, take the Graduate Record Examination Test (GRE), The European Language Certificates (telc) or the TOEFL test – each semester, the University of Mannheim offers language courses and language certificates in more than 16 languages for students and non-university members, online and on campus!

    Language courses at the University of Mannheim

    Studium Generale
    Are you interested in IT or communication trainings or theater, music, or drawing courses? Studium Generale has a vast range of courses available to all.

    Current Studium Generale program

  • Doctorates

    Successful graduates of the master’s program can earn a doctoral degree from the University of Mannheim. The offer varies according to school and subject.

    General information on doctoral studies at the University of Mannheim

  • Admission requirements and selection

    In our selection process, we take numerous criteria into account. For more details, please check the selection statutes (see below). Be bold! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need advice. We are looking forward to receiving your application!

    German, English, French, History, Informatics, Italian, Mathematics, Philosophy/Ethics, Political Science, Spanish, Economics and Business Administration

    Enrollment for the Master of Education (M.Ed) program for teaching at secondary schools (Gymnasium) requires that students have received a study place in two subjects of the degree program. There is an individual selection process for each subject.

    Admission requirements

    If you have not yet completed your bachelor’s degree, you may still apply for a master’s program as long as will provide a proof that you have obtained at least 140 ECTS credits.

    • Successful completion of a bachelor’s program in Teacher Education qualifying graduates to teach at secondary schools (Gymnasium) and including two subjects and their Teaching Methodology, Education Sciences and teaching practice at a higher education institution in Germany or abroad (also Berufsakademie), corresponding to at least 180 ECTS credits or a period of study of at least three years
      • In exceptional cases, admission is also possible after having completed a subject-specific bachelor’s program which includes teaching-related elements to the same extent
    • Proof of subject-specific qualifications in the two subjects and their Teaching Methodology as well as Education Sciences corresponding to the qualifications in the bachelor's program in Teaching Education for teaching at secondary schools (Gymnasium).
      • If you are not able to prove all subject-specific qualifications, the missing subject-specific qualifications must not exceed 50 ECTS credits.
      • In the individual subjects, the missing subject-specific qualification must not exceed 20 ECTS credits.
      • In Education Sciences and Teaching Methodology, the missing subject-specific qualification must not exceed 5 ECTS credits
      • In Education Sciences, subject-specific qualifications corresponding to the competencies acquired in the first school placement with seminar (“Orientierungspraktikum mit Begleitseminar”) must be proven.
        • If the subject-specific qualifications are missing, you can still apply, since you can acquire these qualifications later on.
    • Completion of the first school placement
    • Proof of proficiency in German
    • Proof of of proficiency in other languages (depending on the subject)

    Selection criteria
    The selection criteria are irrelevant since this program of study is currently not selective.

    Selection statutes
    Under “Admission requirements and selection” we have compiled the most important selection criteria of the program for you. For more detailed explanations of the selection process and the legally binding requirements of the degree program, please refer to the selection statutes.

  • Application

    Application deadline
    The application deadline for fall semesters starts on 10 April and ends on 31 May.

    For the spring semesters the application is possible from 15 October until 15 November.


Sarah Kern, M.A.

Sarah Kern, M.A.

Program Manager for Teacher Education Programs
University of Mannheim
School of Humanities
Schloss – Room EO 286
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Tue 10–12 a.m. – Online consultation hours
Wed 10–12 a.m. – Office consultation hours

Please book an appointment for the consultation hours via
Laura Grabarek, M.A.

Laura Grabarek, M.A.

Program Manager for Teacher Education Programs
University of Mannheim
School of Humanities
Schloss – Room EO 286
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Tue 10–12 a.m. – Online consultation hours
Wed 10–12 a.m. – Office consultation hours

Please book an appointment for the consultation hours via
Admissions Office

Admissions Office