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Master's Program in Mathematics in Business and Economics

Sebastian Tiemann hat blonde kurze Haare. Er trägt eine blau-weiß-gestreifte Krawatte, ein weißes Hemd und einen dunklen Blazer.

I started studying Mathematics in Business and Economics in 2014 and have become more and more intrigued with the program ever since. Thanks to the department’s relatively small size, our professors are extremely accessible. Whether you want to discuss their lectures or the supervision of your final thesis – it is easy to get in touch with them inside and outside the lecture period. Students of the master’s program in Mannheim can also choose quite freely from a variety of lectures that allow you to specialize in your preferred field.

Sebastian Tiemann, master’s program in Mathematics in Business and Economics / Credit: Ye Fung Tchen
Thi Diem Mi Nguyen hat dunkle lange Haare und trägt ein schwarzes Oberteil.

The Mathematics in Business and Economics program at the University of Mannheim teaches us to use our mathematical knowledge to solve problems from the business world. Thanks to a variety of electives, the master’s program allows me to tailor the curriculum to my individual interests and choose a specialization that prepares me for my future career.

Thi Diem Mi Nguyen, master’s program in Mathematics in Business and Economics / Credit: Ye Fung Tchen
Tim Jansen hat kurze blonde Haare. Er trägt ein dunkles Jacket und ein gestreiftes Hemd.

After completing the bachelor’s program in Mathematics in Business and Economics at the University of Mannheim and benefiting from the superb faculty-to-student ratio, I decided to stay for the consecutive master’s program. I’m extremely pleased to see so many courses focus on topics related to business and economics. The way different subjects are combined in the program is very appealing to me.

Tim Jansen, master’s program in Mathematics in Business and Economics / Credit: Ye Fung Tchen
  • Program facts and information

    Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)

    Standard period of study: 4 semesters (2 years)

    ECTS credits: approx. 120

    Language of instruction: German and English

    Language requirements: German and English; no proof of language proficiency is required.

    Program start: Fall semester (September) and spring semester (February)
    Academic calendar

    School: School of Business Informatics and Mathematics

    Semester fee: EUR 169 (more information)
    Tuition fees for international students from non-EU countries: EUR 1,500
    Tuition fees for a second degree: EUR 650

  • Program overview

    The master’s program in Mathematics in Business and Economics is an interdisciplinary program. It is offered by the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics in close collaboration with the Business School and the Department of Economics.

    During the program, students acquire advanced knowledge of mathematics, informatics, and business administration and economics. Depending on the career they would like to pursue and their personal interests, they can decide for themselves how strongly they want to focus on the individual areas.

    They can, for example, specialize in financial and insurance mathematics, stochastics, and algebraic statistics, as well as in numerical analysis and optimization. In most cases, they will also write their master's thesis in their specialization.

  • Why study Mathematics in Business and Economics at the University of Mannheim?

    Thanks to the close interdisciplinary collaboration between the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics, the Business School, and the Department of Economics, you can take advantage of the excellent range of courses available in three different areas.

    Studying in Mannheim means studying at one of the most renowned institutions for Economics and Business Administration in Europe. Independent national and international rankings have confirmed the outstanding quality of the research and teaching at our university on a number of occasions. The University of Mannheim is the only university honored with two German teaching awards. One of these awards is the “Ars Legendi Faculty Award for Mathematics”.

    With only about 40 students, the class size of this program of study is rather small. Our young team of math professors is always happy to answer your study-related questions. 

    The University of Mannheim is part of a global network. The university’s ties to more than 450 partner universities all over the world do not only impact life on campus, but also open numerous doors to those students who wish to go abroad.

  • Career opportunities


    With their knowledge of two different disciplines, Mathematics and Business Administration/Economics, our graduates can choose from a variety of professions.

    They can, for example, work in the following fields:

    • banking, insurance, financial services
    • risk management, production planning, controlling
    • business consulting
    • IT and software development.

    They are particularly qualified for positions that take a more quantitative approach, such as in high-dimensional data analysis and logistics.

    Apart from that, they can pursue a doctoral degree, paving the way for a career in academia in Mathematics or a related field.

  • Required interests and skills

    Students of Mathematics in Business and Economics should

    • be very interested in mathematical problems,
    • like economics and business administration, as a large part of your studies is related to these areas,
    • be disciplined and persistent,
    • be prepared to learn subject material and do homework on your own,
    • be willing to work in a team.
  • Program structure

    Module catalog
    The module catalog, which is only available in German, gives you an overview of the courses and their content.

    Studying abroad
    The University of Mannheim is partners with 450 universities around the world. In collaboration with the International Office, the school can help you plan a period of study abroad. In the master's program in Mathematics in Business and Economics, studying abroad is optional.

    Completing an internship during the master's program is optional. If you would like to do a voluntary internship, the school will be in the best position to assist you with the organization thanks to its first-rate corporate connections.

  • Continuing Education

    Certificate programs
    Strengthen your potential, deepen your knowledge, find solutions for challenges we will face tomorrow – there are many good reasons to think outside the box, get to know and try out new things even during your studies.

    At the University of Mannheim, you can do this in the “Studium Oecologicum” which focuses on sustainability. In our certificate program, you will acquire interdisciplinary expert knowledge which can help you to act ethically and to make holistic decisions.

    Continuing education services in academics

    Language courses
    Making language learning easier: No matter if you want to learn Japanese, Hebrew, Spanish or Norwegian, take the Graduate Record Examination Test (GRE), The European Language Certificates (telc) or the TOEFL test – each semester, the University of Mannheim offers language courses and language certificates in more than 16 languages for students and non-university members, online and on campus!

    Language courses at the University of Mannheim

    Studium Generale
    Are you interested in IT or communication trainings or theater, music, or drawing courses? Studium Generale has a vast range of courses available to all.

    Current Studium Generale program

  • Doctorates

    Graduates who complete their master’s program with very good grades can pursue a doctorate at one of the chairs at the Department of Mathematics or in a another discipline related to mathematics. Please contact the program managers, who will be happy to advise you on this topic.

    Doctoral programs and opportunities at the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
    General information on doctoral studies at the University of Mannheim

  • Admission requirements and selection

    In our selection process, we take numerous criteria into account. For more details, please check the selection statutes (see below). Be bold! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need advice. We are looking forward to receiving your application!

    Admission requirements

    If you have not yet completed your bachelor’s degree, you may still apply for a master’s program as long as will provide a proof that you have obtained at least 140 ECTS credits.

    • Completion of a bachelor’s program in Mathematics in Business and Economics, or a bachelor’s program recognized as equivalent by the admissions committee at a German or national higher education institution (also Berufsakademie), corresponding to at least 180 ECTS credits or a regular period of study of at least three years
      • The bachelor's program must include at least 80 ECTS credits in Mathematics and at least 30 ECTS credits in Economics or Business Administration
      • The final grade of the degree must be at least 2.8.
    • Proof of proficiency in German

    Selection criteria
    The selection criteria are irrelevant since this program of study is currently not selective.

    Selection statutes
    Under “Admission requirements and selection” we have compiled the most important selection criteria of the program for you. For more detailed explanations of the selection process and the legally binding requirements of the degree program, please refer to the selection statutes.

  • Application

    Application deadline
    The application deadline for fall semesters starts on 10 April and ends on 31 May.

    For the spring semesters the application is possible from 15 October until 15 November.


Sanja Juric, M.A.

Sanja Juric, M.A.

Program Manager Teacher Education High School Level, B.Sc. and M.Sc. Business Mathematics, M.Sc. Mathematics
University of Mannheim
School of Business Informatics and Mathematics
B 6, 26
Gebäudeteil B – Room B 1.04
68159 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 181-2640
Fax: + 49 621 181-2423
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment
N. N.

N. N.

Fachstudienberatung Wirtschaftsmathematik
University of Mannheim
Fakultät für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik
68161 Mannheim
Admissions Office

Admissions Office

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