Baden-Württemberg Certificate for Teaching and Learning at University Level

Teachers at the University of Mannheim can earn the Baden-Württemberg Certificate for Teaching and Learning at University Level to further improve their teaching skills. The qualification consists of three modules that systematically follow each other. In addition to participating in peer consultations and classroom observations, teachers also complete several workshops on educational development. They can generally determine the areas in which they would like to improve, for example by attending workshops on e-learning, communication, or setting examinations. Participants may choose their own project in the final module.

By completing these modules, teachers have the chance to reconsider their understanding of their role in the classroom, to further professionalize their methods and to reach personal teaching goals. Proof of teaching is increasingly becoming a requirement for a successful professorial appointment. The Baden-Württemberg Certificate is internationally recognized and is highly regarded in appointment procedures. It is issued by the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts of Baden-Württemberg (MWK).

The certificate is open to all teachers at the University of Mannheim. If you are interested in earning this certificate, please contact Ms. Klinger.

Further Information

The Baden-Württemberg Certificate


Anne Scheuing, M.A.

Anne Scheuing, M.A. (she/her)

Educational Development & PePP
University of Mannheim
Teaching and Learning Center
Schloss – Room ZEO 095
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
donnerstags von 9:30–10:30 per Teams, Telefon oder nach Vorabanmeldung gerne auch vor Ort