Studierende in der A3-Bibliothek

Bachelor's Program in Economics

I decided to study Economics in Mannheim because the university did really well in the latest rankings. I came to Mannheim for a day and looked around the city and the university, and I knew that I wanted to study here. I think it’s great that students work on major economic topics, like unemployment and economic growth, from their first semester onwards.

Naemie, student of the bachelor's program in Economics / Photo credit: Anna Logue

The good support network, the large number of elective modules available, and the direct communication between teachers and students are all factors that made me want to study Economics in Mannheim. Discussing topics related to economic policy really makes the subject come alive. That’s what I love about it. Be active, get involved, and have fun discussing economic problems. The university gives students lots of great opportunities to get involved with student organizations and clubs.

Konstantin, student of the bachelor's program in Economics / Photo credit: Anna Logue

Mannheim is a great place to study. The university is renowned, the city is diverse, and although I’ve already been here for a year, the palace still impresses me! I really like how I can tailor a large part of my program to my interests. I also think it’s great that the Department is prepared to organize lectures on topics that the students want to learn about, and break new ground. Another big plus is the variety of student organizations and clubs at the university. I’ve made many friends here, and am having a lot of fun.

Tobias, student of the bachelor's program in Economics / Photo credit: Anna Logue
  • Program facts and information

    Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

    Standard period of study: 6 semesters (= 3 years)

    ECTS credits: 180–188
    (introductory phase: 103 ECTS credits, advanced phase: 77–85 ECTS credits)

    Language of instruction: German and English

    Language requirements: A good level of English proficiency is recommended; no proof of language proficiency is required.
    If you are not a German citizen or do not have a German university entrance qualification (Abitur or equivalent school leaving certificate), you must prove German language proficiency at C1 level.

    Program start: Fall semester (September)
    Academic calendar

    School: School of Law and Economics, Department of Economics

    Semester fee: EUR 169 (more information)
    Tuition fees for international students from non-EU countries: EUR 1,500
    Tuition fees for a second degree: EUR 650

  • Program overview

    How can economic policy help to tackle the climate crisis? How will artificial intelligence affect the economy and our jobs? How does immigration affect the economy? Why is the independence of the European Central Bank important? The field of Economics addresses these and similar questions. The aim of economic analysis is to explain how economies work and develop.

    During the program, students attend classes on, for example: basic economic principles, microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic policy, public finance, mathematics, econometrics, and academic writing and research.

    Students can choose one or more minor(s). They can combine Economics with Mathematics, Law, Business Administration, Business Informatics, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, and Psychology.

    Students can also attend seminars to develop key competences, such as intercultural competencies, conflict management, presentation techniques, and time management.

  • Why study Economics at the University of Mannheim?

    Studying Economics in Mannheim means studying at one of the most renowned departments of economics in Europe. Independent national and international rankings, including the CHE university ranking, and rankings by the Handelsblatt and Junge Karriere, have confirmed the outstanding quality of the research and teaching at our university on a number of occasions. The Economics program in Mannheim was once again number one in the 2023 CHE university ranking. Take a look at the rankings here.

    The bachelor's program in Economics at the University of Mannheim is characterized by thorough instruction in economic theories, early inclusion of empirical methods, and the combination of teaching and experience. The modules available during the advanced phase are extremely varied.

    Students are given a variety of options to get involved in research at the Department thanks to its large number of chairs and professors, its close collaboration with external research institutions (such as the ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research) and its acquisition of a large number of externally-funded projects.

    By the way, 95% of our graduates would recommend the Economics program of study at the University of Mannheim to a friend or relative.

  • Career opportunities

    Economists may be employed wherever an understanding of economics is required.

    Depending on their specialization, they can work, for example, in ministries and international organizations, in politics, or in the banking and insurance sectors. Traditional employers also include the administrative departments at federal, state and community institutions, the European Central Bank, the Bundesbank, the Federal Statistical Office, and treasuries and associations. In addition, it is possible to go into business consulting or business journalism.

    Economists can also pursue a career in academia either in Germany or abroad.

  • Required interests and skills

    Students of Economics should

    • be interested in economics and business administration,
    • enjoy mathematics*,
    • be capable of abstract thinking,
    • be able to write and speak clearly,
    • be able to argue logically,
    • and understand complex texts (in German and English).

      * The Department of Economics bases its mathematical requirements for first-year students on the catalog of minimum requirements for mathematics (Mindestanforderungskatalog Mathematik v3.0), for students of Economics and STEM subjects at higher education institutions in Baden-Württemberg. The refresher course in mathematics enables students to brush up on their math. You should be particularly interested in analyzing mathematical notation as this is required in many courses.
  • Program structure

    Module catalog
    The module catalog gives you an overview of the courses and their content.

    Studying abroad
    The University of Mannheim is well-connected internationally, and is partners with around 450 universities around the world. The exchange coordinators at the Department of Economics can support you as you prepare to study abroad. The ideal time to study abroad is during the fifth or sixth semester of the program. A period of study abroad is optional for students of this program.

    We recommend that you complete one or two internship(s) in a relevant sector before you graduate. The university’s Career Network can help you to find an internship. An internship may be recognized for your degree program.

    Sample course schedule
    Students normally attend these courses during the first semester.

  • Continuing Education

    Certificate programs
    Strengthen your potential, deepen your knowledge, find solutions for challenges we will face tomorrow – there are many good reasons to think outside the box, get to know and try out new things even during your studies.

    At the University of Mannheim, you can do this in the “Studium Oecologicum” which focuses on sustainability. In our certificate program, you will acquire interdisciplinary expert knowledge which can help you to act ethically and to make holistic decisions.

    Continuing education services in academics

    Language courses
    Making language learning easier: No matter if you want to learn Japanese, Hebrew, Spanish or Norwegian, take the Graduate Record Examination Test (GRE), The European Language Certificates (telc) or the TOEFL test – each semester, the University of Mannheim offers language courses and language certificates in more than 16 languages for students and non-university members, online and on campus!

    Language courses at the University of Mannheim

    Studium Generale
    Are you interested in IT or communication trainings or theater, music, or drawing courses? Studium Generale has a vast range of courses available to all.

    Current Studium Generale program

  • Further study

    Master’s Program in Economics

    If you have obtained the required number of ECTS credits in Business Administration, you can pursue the Mannheim Master in Management (M.Sc.).

  • Application and selection

    At the University of Mannheim, a traditional numerus clausus (within the meaning of a minimum grade required for admission) does not exist. In our selection process, we take numerous criteria into account. For more details, please check the selection statutes (see below). Be bold! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need advice. We are looking forward to receiving your application!

    In our selection process for the Bachelor's Program in Economics, we take the following criteria into account:

    • the grade average achieved in your university entrance qualification,
    • work experience, internships, and voluntary positions, which are relevant to the Economics program of study.

    German language proficiency
    If you are not a German citizen or do not have a German university entrance qualification (Abitur or equivalent school leaving certificate), you must prove German language proficiency at C1 level.

    Selection statutes
    Under “Application and selection” we have compiled the most important selection criteria of the program for you. For more detailed explanations of the selection process and the legally binding requirements of the degree program, please refer to the selection statutes.

    If the program of study is currently not selective, you will receive a study place if you fulfill all admission requirements and apply in due time and form.


    • The application deadline for our bachelor's programs for the fall semesters starts on 1 June and ends on 15 July.


Dr. Thorsten Lindenbauer

Dr. Thorsten Lindenbauer (he/him)

Department Manager
University of Mannheim
Department of Economics
L 7, 3–5 – Room 409
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Offene Sprechzeit der Fachstudienberatung (auch während der vorlesungsfreien Zeit):
Dienstagvormittag, 9.00–12.30 Uhr (auf begründete Anfrage ab 7.00 Uhr)

Von der angegebenen Telefonnummer erfolgen keine Rückrufe.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich außerhalb der offenen Sprechzeit bevorzugt per E–Mail.
Dipl. Vw. Linda Köhler

Dipl. Vw. Linda Köhler (she/her)

Program Manager Bachelor Economics and Academic Writing Consultant
University of Mannheim
Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre
L 7, 3–5 – Room 407
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Open consultation: Tuesday, 9:00 – 12:00 a.m. or by prior arrangement by e–mail. Please contact me by e–mail outside of the consultation hours.

The consultation on 23 July is canceled.
Admissions Office

Admissions Office

Students have voted the University of Mannheim “Top University” and winner
in the category “Most popular university with 5,000 – 15,000 students” on the student evaluation portal!