Academic Practice Nuggets

The videos were created as part of the „Innovative Digital Teaching at University of Mannheim (InnoMA)“ project, funded by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschul­lehre. The main goal was to address heterogeneity among students and especially exchange students regarding advanced academic practices in the social sciences. Feel free to use these videos in your classes – either selected or over the course of ten seminar weeks (Videos 1–10; students watch video as part of the seminar preparation and apply video content to the weekly readings).

The videos were created by Sandra Morgenstern and three of her BA-student research assistants. We are grateful for the feedback we received from reviewers of our video scripts and would welcome more feedback on the existing videos or suggestions for new videos (email: Thanks for watching! Dr. Sandra Morgenstern, Anna Pagani, Emmy Stachelscheid, Janis Beginen.

1. Time efficient and effective reading

2. Reflect critically

3. Scientific Critique

4a. Causality

4b. The Fundamental Problem of Causality

5a. Theory

5b. Causalgraphs theory

5c. Causalgraphs Design

6. Ethical Considerations

7. Theory Argumentation

8. Design Thinking

9. Open Science

10. How to critique