Best Paper Prize awarded to Sabine Stillger

CDSE doctoral candidate Sabine Stillger received the Best Paper Prize by the 22nd Annual GEP/CEPR Postgraduate Conference for her paper „Firm Heterogeneity, International Trade and Emissions: Evidence from German Manufacturing Firms“.

The paper studies the role of firm heterogeneity in sourcing decisions and emission intensity for carbon leakage in intermediate inputs. Models ignoring firm heterogeneity underestimate leakage and welfare losses. Carbon border adjustments are one way to mitigate leakage.

Sabine Stillger is a member of the Bonn-Mannheim Collaborative Research Center TR 224 and regularly teaches courses on bachelor and master level. Her research interests include international trade and environmental economics. Read more about Sabine’s research interests and current projects.

The Annual GEP/CEPR Postgraduate Conference provides a forum for PhD students and postdoctoral researches to discuss their research ideas relating to issues of Globalisation and Economic Policy with established scholars in a relaxed atmosphere. These areas include Foreign Direct Investment, International Trade, Productivity, Economics of the MNEs, Migration and Labour Market Adjustments.

Many congratulations!
