Mannheim Open Science Meetup


Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to invite you to the next Mannheim Open Science Meetup on May 22nd at 5:30pm where Fiona Kazarovytska (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) will join us to talk about Publishing null results: Their benefits and the path to publication. The Mannheim Open Science Meetup is a grassroots initiative that brings together Mannheim-based academics from diverse backgrounds with a shared interest in trans­parent, reliable research. Scholars from all scientific disciplines are welcome to join our recurring meetings, both experts and Open Science novices.

We are looking forward to seeing you online via Zoom!

Key Facts:

  • What? Publishing null results: Their benefits and the path to publication
  • When? May 22nd, 17:30 – 18:30
  • Where? Online via Zoom, sign up here
  • Abstract: Significant results are often considered more informative than non-significant findings. However, this view neglects the aspect that, for the cumulative development of scientific knowledge, it seems crucial to know which theories are empirically supported by which paradigms or methodological approaches, and which are not. While multi-lab study replications, registered reports, and statistical tests for equivalence (rather than significant differences) are gaining popularity, there is still a heated debate about the utility of null results. In this session, we will discuss the utility of null results from both scientific practice and theory-building perspectives. Additionally, we will take a look at the path to publishing null results that deviate from a well-known and widely accepted theory in the field of memory research.

Please also let us know your ideas for future talks and reach out if you would like to become a member of the organization team of the Mannheim Open Science Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you at the Meetup!

David, Jana, Nils & Juli
