Mannheimer Wissenschaft­ler/innen auf der 73. Konferenz der ICA in Toronto

Dieses Jahr findet die 73. Konferenz der International Communication Association (ICA) vom 25.-29. Mai in Toronto statt. Mitarbeiter/innen der Mannheimer MKW sind mit 13 Beiträgen vertreten.


Die Konferenz ermöglicht Forscher/innen ihre Ergebnisse zu präsentieren und professionelles Feedback zu erhalten. Die ICA ist ein Zusammenschluss von mehr als 5.000 Wissenschaft­ler/innen aus über 80 Ländern, die sich für die Erforschung und Lehre zwischenmenschlicher und mediatisierter Kommunikation interessieren. 
Das Programm der Konferenz finden Sie hier.

An folgenden Beiträgen sind Mitarbeiter/innen der MKW Mannheim beteiligt:

Freitag, 26.5.:

Session: Media and Self

10:30 AM – 11:45 AM

Self-Effects of Public vs. Private Opinion Expression on Perceived Expertise, Issue Interest and Behavioral Intentions
Teresa K. Naab; Anna Schnauber-Stockmann; Annabell Burkhardt

Session: Mass Communication Division Poster Session

12:00 PM – 1:15 PM

Why Does Public Communication Trans­form as It Does? A Structure-Actor Model to Explain Media and Communication Change
Philipp Müller

Session: Worth the Hype? Integrating the Concept of Mindfulness in Studying Mobile Communication

1:30 PM – 2:45 PM

Take a Deep Breath, Then Check Your Messages: Experimentally Investigating the Moderating Effect of Mindfulness in the Interplay of Social Pressure to be Available and Messenger Users’ Well-/Ill-Being
Sarah Lutz; Annabell Halfmann; Frank M. Schneider

Sonntag, 28.5.:

Session: Political Polarization and Hostile Media

10:30 AM – 11:45 AM

Depolarization in the “Filter Bubble“: Attitudinal Impact of News Recommender Systems Based on Users’ Political Preferences
Katharina Ludwig; Nevena Nikolajevic; Philipp Müller

Session: Debate, Deliberation and Discussion in the Public Sphere

12:00 PM – 1:15 PM

Automated Content Misclassification Causes Bias in Regression: Can We Fix It? Yes We Can!
Nathan E. TeBlunthuis; Valerie Hase; Chung-hong Chan

Session: Digital Wellbeing and Emotions

12:00 PM – 1:15 PM

Trapped Between Self-Control Failure and Norm Violation? How Users’ Mobile Messaging Behavior During Task Engagement Influences Negative Self-Conscious Emotions
Annabell Halfmann; Adrian Meier; Leonard Reinecke

Session: Top Papers in Mobile Communication

3:00 PM – 4:15 PM

Person- and Situation-Specific Variance in Media Use: A Meta-Analysis
Anna Schnauber-Stockmann; Michael Scharkow; Veronika Karnowski; Teresa K. Naab; Daniela M. Schlütz; Paul Pressmann

Session: Computational Methods for Studying News and Social Media

3:00 PM – 4:15 PM

A Benchmark Dataset for Detecting Frames in Multi-Topical News Content
Chung-hong Chan; Rainer Freudenthaler

Montag, 29.5.:

Session: Political Disagreement and Discourse

10:30 AM – 11:45 AM

Contexts of Contestation: How Political Systems, Sociocultural Divides and Media Types Shape Inclusion and Justification in Public Discourse
Eike M. Rinke; Charlotte Löb; Hartmut Wessler

Session: Loneliness and FOMO

10:30 AM – 11:45 AM

A Window to What We Miss
Sarah Lutz; Christiane Büttner; Dominik Neumann

Session: Political Communication and Incivility

12:00 PM – 1:15 PM

Hate Speech, Incivility and Related Concepts of Disrespectful Language on the Internet: A Scoping Review
Christian Strippel; Marc Ziegele; Max Schindler; Laura Laugwitz; Emese Domahidi; Marike Bormann; Liane M. Reiners; Klara Langmann; Lena Frischlich; Teresa K. Naab; Diana Rieger; Cornelius Puschmann; Christian Schemer; Björn Ross

Session: Advancing Racism Research With Big Data? Discussing Methodological Innovations to Unravel the Complex Nature of Racism in Media Content

12:00 PM – 1:15 PM

One Language Model Fits All? On the Challenges of Adopting an Automated Measure of Racialized Group Stigmatization for Tweets
Rainer Freudenthaler; Chung-hong Chan; Katharina Ludwig; Philipp Müller; Hartmut Wessler

Session: Media, Emotion, and Affect

1:30 PM – 2:45 PM

Why Are We Attracted to True Crime? The Role of Epistemic Emotions and Entertainment Experiences
Felix Dietrich; Sarah Lucia Hennings; Peter Vorderer
